Fresson is a multicolor process today, but not in Misonne times. Back then
it was just a monochrome process.
Quoting the Atelier Fresson web page (somewhere inside here:
"It is Pierre FRESSON, one of the inventor's, who in 1952, executed the
first print in direct charcoal colour ( without transfer)."
Misonne died in 1943...
As for him using Fresson papers, quoting again from the same site:
"Thanks to this process the photographers could express themselves
according to their artistic feelings. We can quote the most famous of them:
They are of course referring to the monochrome Fresson process, since
Demachy abandoned photography in the nineteen thirties or so. Puyo (not
Puyot!) and Ortiz Echagüe never did colour work at all, as far as I know.
This said, I have also seen some Misonne images made in oil.
At 14:39 16/11/2005, you wrote:
>Op 16 nov 2005 om 14:24 heeft Yves Gauvreau het volgende geschreven:
>>You may be right or not I don't know. The only thing I can say from the text
>>is that he effectively used both techniques and others as well. The author
>>says that at some point he favored oils but somewhere else the author
>>mention that Misonne as a preference for Fresson. I can't find specific
>>information on the prints in the book and my deduction are not to be taken
>>for granted.
>That is often the problem with photobooks: the writer has no idea about
>the process and tries to hide the lack of knowledge.
>Here you could say that all the prints are monochrome , and the Fresson is
>a multicolor process. See Luis Nadeau.
>You can be pretty sure that the prints in your book are mainly oilprints
>and some bromoils.
Received on Wed Nov 16 10:34:31 2005
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