Maybe it's not a new idea but it was for me tonight. I created a
"horizontal" step wedge with the dimensions 8.5 X 1" (actually a tad
smaller). The idea being that I can get about 10 stepwedges from a single
piece of Pictorico OHP. Every time I need a wedge I can just slice off the
inch that printed (at the top) and I can then run the same sheet again the
next time. I've posted a tiff file at:
To print in PhotoShop select "Print with Preview" and uncheck "Centre Image"
and set your top and left positions to 0,0 respectively. Select "No Colour
Management" under CS2's Color Handling Options or "Same as Source" in
previous versions. The file was created with a grey gamma 2.2 but has been
left "untagged".
Comments, tips or improvements welcome.
Received on Sun Oct 9 20:44:36 2005
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