Have you tried waxing the glass surface with either a carnuba based wax
or something like Renaissance Wax from Light Impressions. Sometimes wax
is a life-saver when it comes to minimizing sticking. Another thing to
try is a silicone spray. Of course, if this mucks with your chemical
steps it's a no-go. The wax should be fairly inert.
Good luck!
> the
> > gelatin coating of the paper makes an excellent glue that is near
> impossible
> > to remove, and it ends up tearing the emulsion off of the paper
> base. I've
> > been trying different methods to solve this problem, but haven't
> come up
> > with anything yet.
-- www.danburkholder.com www.tinytutorials.comReceived on Wed Sep 7 13:30:53 2005
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