In a message dated 12/4/06 11:47:14 pm, writes:
> So no need for the test then as that is what one would expect.
> .
> But there is simple alternativc method of development that would give you a
> development of time of one minute.or very nearly a 2000 % advantage !
> Hot water? Dilute bleach? Brush/hose/blackjack?
> =
One needs to get the right gum, pigments and dichromate and mix them in due
proportion and then, when you have not had a row with the spouse, give he print
the right exposure and then develop, judging which tools to use, brushes,
hosed, sponges, kitchen scourers, Brillo pads, and water of different
temperatures, when and in what proportion,.* With a bit of practice, as I suggested to
Loris, one should be able to make a three coat gum print in less than hour. But
hen you should not rush these things.
Although it's not a race, three and a half hours.........zzzzzz the tortoise
* I have used all these on gum prints, a Brillo pad on a negative, and neat
bleach on a foxed platinum print. I have felt tempted to use a blackjack on
printers in magazines who get my colours wrong, but not on prints.
Received on Wed Apr 12 17:41:44 2006
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