I use the R300. Same inks. It makes wonderful negs on Pictorico OHP. I've
used it to make negs for everything from Salt Prints to Gum. Suffers Pizza
wheels marks like some other Epsons. But, unless you run the sheet through
more than once, they're not usually noticeable. What kind of process are you
planning to use it on? BTW, etiquette on this list is to use your real name.
-----Original Message-----
From: REDROCKET [mailto:redrocket@cox.net]
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2006 9:40 PM
To: alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca
Subject: Dig Negs on an Epson R220?
I was using a canon S820 printer, but read its inks are not good for negs.
Any experience with the Epson R220? I just got it today. Any tips?
Received on Fri Jan 13 22:37:43 2006
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