Thank you for that review. I've been away from printing for some time. I
will be doing classic Cyanotype. Gum over cyano. I was enjoying
experimenting with Carbon. And if my negs are good enough I'll do plats
On 1/13/06 8:37 PM, "Michael Koch-Schulte" <mkochsch@shaw.ca> wrote:
> I use the R300. Same inks. It makes wonderful negs on Pictorico OHP. I've
> used it to make negs for everything from Salt Prints to Gum. Suffers Pizza
> wheels marks like some other Epsons. But, unless you run the sheet through
> more than once, they're not usually noticeable. What kind of process are you
> planning to use it on? BTW, etiquette on this list is to use your real name.
> ~m
Received on Sat Jan 14 01:10:27 2006
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