I also use Fabriano Artisco and for sizing use a 3% solution of gelatin
hardened with 20ml of formalin per litre. I use just one coat brushed on.
You can also immerse the paper in a tray of the gelatin solution - many
sources suggest using two baths with the hardener in the second.
I hang the sized paper up to dry with clothespegs and to flatten put the
paper under heavy glass. I find that some of the thinner papers can buckle a
little and would recommend a paper weight of at least 300gsm.
Hope this helps
Hamish Stewart
Gum Bichromate Photographer
On 21/1/06 19:12, "pawel gega." <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> What is the bast way for sizing and drying papers in gum bichromate?
> (Currently I'm using Fabriano Artistico)
> I heard that sizing bath described in Post Factory Photography is
> good,but it can't be downloaded freely form alternativephotography.
> com now.
> My papers rolls up after drying even if the tape was used. I dont
> know how to keep it straight and foldless..could it be done?
> Regards,
> Paul
Received on Sun Jan 22 05:04:58 2006
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