1) Most info I see on using xray film is tangled up in
confusion over whether it's single or double emulsion
and intended-use chemistry.
I got some that I am still trying to get a positive ID
on (private labeled for a company that makes circuit
board xray stuff - they said it was 'ordinary' xray
film referred me to film mfr who can't guess what the
customer was having private labeled)...but what I
could glean from their website is that the product
with the closest description match IS single emulsion,
orthographic, 'high definition' imaging film. It was
NOT described as duplicating, so I assume it is
therefore negative.
Does anyone know what constitutes 'high definition'
for xray imaging (not that it matters in the end with
different exposure, chemistry etc.)?
Has anyone had experience treating such film as an
ordinary orthographic film and thru some process
control effort make it usable as a pictorial film? (I
can always resort to pinhole if it doesn't merit a
lens). Lack of antihalation layer is another urban
legend that may need to be explored.
I have seen pleasing results with other oddball ortho
films like copy film.
Getting a usable neg is first priority...what process
to use afterward is to be determined.
2) Yahoomail attacks nearly all the mail I get from
this list...some get thru...maybe I need to figure out
whether they are from the list of individual 'replies
to all'.
Thank you
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