Hi all,
Apologizes for this off-topic message, but this forum is just simply
the best one for getting a message out.
As many of you know, on AlternativePhotography.com there are over 200
artists' galleries. The galleries have contact details, since sharing
information is a big part of the website.
Some emailaddresses have "expired", and we can no longer get hold of
some of the artists. So, if you are on this list, please drop me your
new contact details, or if you know any of the artists, please
forward this message to them.
The artists with missing details:
-Nicholas Bachelet
-Huub Beckers
-Linda Bussey
-Sanjoy Chaterjee
-Eric Kees
-Luc Clottemans
-Jason Bate
-Julie Drew Hall
-Joan Lentini
-Zoe Smith
-Tony McLean
-Georginia Birch
-Victor Hugo
-Evgene Mareev
-Lee Edward Carpenter
-Keith Willis
We don't mean to single artists out, it's just important that we can
get in contact.
Have a nice summer!
Kind regards,
Malin Fabbri
Editor, AlternativePhotography.com - Historical photographic methods in use today.
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