You could print up a t-shirt after your alternate slogan contest... eg
"Alternate pain & pleasure" or wear alternative cameras around your necks.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Christina Z. Anderson" <>
To: "Alt, List" <>
Sent: Saturday, March 04, 2006 11:23 AM
Subject: it's that time again--SPE
> In less than three weeks SPE begins--Society for Photographic
> Education--in Chicago. Maybe we can set up an Alt List cocktails meeting?
> I will be staying at the conference hotel (three of us faculty are going
> from MT). Last time we all met it was a hoot, but I wasn't prepared for
> the fact that trying to find a group of faces I did not know in a sea of
> 1000 at a cocktail party is next to impossible. So, tawk amungst
> yerselfs....I head out to New Orleans in 5 days and will be mostly off the
> airwaves for a week, so you all can do the planning without me :)
> Chris
Received on Sat Mar 4 14:33:35 2006
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