Christina, I'm soothsaying now (don't know what caused this - this is
not one of my usual properties, probably it's due something I ate in the
Anyway... Inside my head, I see you going to Europe (to a country with
the name starting with an "E" and to a place with the name starting with
an "R") to take a workshop! ;)
-----Original Message-----
From: Christina Z. Anderson []
Sent: 06 Mart 2006 Pazartesi 18:19
To: Alt, List
Subject: Re: source for glutaraldehyde & Which gelatine ?
Well, Terry,
You're on. Since I have to place an order to B and S today, I will
order some of their super duper gelatin that doesn't require a hardener.
Then I will do some side by side tricolor gums and see if it works as
well as glut hardened grocery store gelatin. With tricolor where the
print goes into the
water several times or more, with extended soakings (a difference of
hours water development vs. 20 minutes), I'm not convinced, but hey,
will show it to work or not, and if you save me from having to harden
gelatin I'll bless the ground you walk on and dedicate my next book to
I can surmise that the first layer of dichromated gum will in fact
some of the gelatin sizing, but not in the highlights where it is most
needed to prevent stain. But, I'll try it anyway...
Received on Mon Mar 6 10:38:00 2006
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