I know people are using thymol and sodium benzoate to preserve their gum
arabic soln. These are not as dangerous as mercuric chloride (both are
used in food industry)...
See this message (from Christina) about thymol:
P.S. Thymol is dissolved in alcohol, not water...
-----Original Message-----
From: TERRYAKING@aol.com [mailto:TERRYAKING@aol.com]
Sent: 08 Mart 2006 Çarşamba 11:02
To: alt-photo-process-L@usask.ca
Subject: 4-chloro-M-cresol
Does anyone know of anyone in the alt world who uses this
'preservative', 4-chloro-M-cresol, in the formulation of their alt
In some older manuals mercuric chloride is recommended as preservative
of gum arabic as it kills 'bugs'; I have never used it as it is also
good at killing people. 4-chloro-M-cresol is safer but is it necessary ?
Received on Wed Mar 8 03:21:11 2006
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