I did a little bit of work with yupo and caesin. It appeared to work.
Dissolves cleanly in water, much like a gum print on paper. Gum does not
develop properly on yupo - it bubbles off unevenly.
My caesin is mixed from powdered caesin mixed in water with some ammonia.
It appears that the viscosity of the caesin mix can be controlled by the
concentration of ammonia - more ammonia more viscous - though I haven't
done any definitive experiments with this yet.
I added rubbing alcohol to my caesin mix once - it appeared to make an
insoluable solid. Have meant to experiment to see if it could be used as
a sizing - but again little time recently for the darkroom.
Since I was working with Yupo paper I thought I would try tempera print
and have been experimenting with it.
I resolved all the coating issues I was having by rolling my coating brush
with the media on a sheet of glass to insure the roller wasn't too wet.
On Thu, 9 Mar 2006, Katharine Thayer wrote:
> P.S. What I really liked about yupo and gum was the speed of printing
> with it. I was printing color layers on it (no negative, just
> hardened layers of pigmented dichromated gumto check color blends;
> this was before I realized that I could coat the pigmented
> dichromated gum on mylar and use the colored mylar sheets as overlays
> to check the color blends) and I was able to do a lot of them in a
> very short time: 5 seconds in the sun to expose, a quick dip and
> swish in water to remove unreacted dichromate, and then dry with a
> hair dryer for a few minutes, and the whole thing was dry and ready
> for another coat. It was really slick.
> Katharine
Gordon J. Holtslander Dept. of Biology
holtsg@duke.usask.ca 112 Science Place
http://duke.usask.ca/~holtsg University of Saskatchewan
Tel (306) 966-4433 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Fax (306) 966-4461 Canada S7N 5E2
Received on Thu Mar 9 14:21:43 2006
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