One of the most significant collections of autochromes is to be found in the
Rothschild archives. This is particularly significant for those interested
in or influenced by the photography of the great age of pictorialism at the
turn of the 19C and 20C. The make up of this first successful commercial colour
process based upon coloured grains of potato starch, led to an
impressionistic appearance of the photographs that many seek to achieve in their gum
We have arranged an opportunity to visit the Rothschild archives to look at
these significant photographs in April, details are set out below. Further
details of our programme can be found on _www.hands-on-pictures.com_
As there is a limited number of places for the visit, I would be grateful if
those intending to come could let me know.
“Lionel de Rothschild and the Autochrome: early adventures in colour”
Victor Grey will talk on autochromes and cameras from the Rothschild
7 pm at:
The Rothschild Archive
1 King William Street
London, EC4P 4DU
This is very close to Bank Tube Station. Leaving the station by Exit 7 and
looking to the right, the building is across the road.
This is to be an exhibition at the National Museum of Photography.
Terry King FRPS
RPS Historical Group (Chairman) (
Moderated Discussion Group
Post message:
Subscribe _PhotoHistory-subscribe@yahoogroups.com_
1. An excellent thing is as rare as it is difficult.(Spinoza)
2. A man's reach should be beyond his grasp or what's a heaven
3. Frustra fit per plura quod potest fieri per pauciora.(Occam's razor or
'Keep it simple!').
4. Nullius in Verba (Horace), 'Take no man's word for it' (motto of the
Royal Society).
5. If ignorance is bliss, why are not more people happy ? (anon)
Received on Thu Mar 23 02:36:15 2006
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