Do you have phone #s to call and request those catalogs? (Light Impressions'
phone# not needed). BTW, I am in Toronto Canada.
LU+In the English language, a very good guide that should be in your
LU+library, is William Crawford's _The Keepers of Light_, which I believe
LU+is still in print. There is one annoying mistake in the formulas,
Will check this one. If I find/buy it, I will get back to you to know about
what the correction for that mistake you mentioned is.
LU+find. For some time I have been working on a completely revised
LU+edition of the English version, which should be out this summer,
LU+complete with a tipped-in print, produced from a negative that was
LU+produced digitally on an Iris printer. This will be a first in history
LU+I believe.
Let us know when it is ready.
Guillermo Penate
--- * 1st 1.11 #2045 * Dreams move on if you wait too long.