Re: Pt/Pd standing questions

Beakman (
Thu, 13 Oct 1994 10:28:01 -0700 (PDT)

> The "Viewcamera" article also eludes to "double coating" as a popular
> method of printing. I am not aware of any "first rank" platinum printers
> who double coat. Irving Penn does multiple coatings but uses (as I
> understand) multiple negatives to achieve the controls he desires. (ig. a
> highlight negative, a midtone negative and a shadow negative.) One only
> has to look at the work of (in no order) Martin Axon, Kenro Izu, Dick
> Arentz, Richard Lohmann, or any other first tier printer to see perfect
> tone control in platinum printing.
> We definitely need more people like Mike Ware to apply modern principles
> to the craft of platinum printing. We have become in some way slaves to
> the past.
> Dick Sullivan
> Bostick & Sullivan

I believe that Martin Axon advocates double coating the new Arches
Platine paper (though he is busily working on finding a way to avoid it!)

- David Fokos