Re: Silver Nit-rate-mare
Chico Seay (
Thu, 13 Oct 94 15:47:23 CDT
> Chico,
> I'm going to make a guess and say that your salt solution is contaminating
> your silver nitrate. Your damp brush picks it up and carries it from one
> print to the next. To avoid this rinse brush in tap water and then
> distilled water between coating each sheet. Also use only enough silver
> nitrate at a time to coat one sheet of paper. Discard any remaining. If you
> return it to your stock, the whole will become contaminated.
> Shane
by salt solution, you mean the ammonium (or sodium) chloride immersed
on the paper and dried before the silver nitrate solution? What 'zactly
does this do, because I am not using the ammonium (or sodium _) chloride
at all as yet.
Also, should I be floating the paper in these solutions instead of
brushing them on? Also will any metal in/on the brush be a source of