Re: Silver Nit-rate-mare

Adam Kimball (
Thu, 13 Oct 1994 20:02:32 -0700

>Also, should I be floating the paper in these solutions instead of
>brushing them on? Also will any metal in/on the brush be a source of
> chico

Yes. I once lightly tapped my brush against the corner of a nickel plated
thumb tack and every sheet I coated had bad streaks. I don't know if
your problem would point towards something like this, but it is a good idea
to use a brush without any metal parts. The highlights are fogging? Are
you getting solarization in the shadows? Are you positive that the solution
is 20%? How are your negatives? Are they dense enough and have enough
contrast? It seems that silver-nitrate is a pretty forgiving chemical (much
more so than ferric oxalate anyway.) I'd look for the problem outside
of the chemistry.
