Re: Chicago Albumen Works' POP
Sat, 7 Jan 1995 18:13:06 +0300

>greetings printmakers.
>has anybody else had trouble with CAW's new double wt. POP? it doesn't
>seem to print nearly as easily as their old single wt stock.

Enjoy that paper while you have it. The company that made it, Guilleminot,
in France, is going out of business.

Luis Nadeau

>it requires a longer exposure, a longer pre-wash, and it gobbles up gold
>toner very quickly. it seems to me the trouble might be citric acid used
>to preserve the emulsion against fog. (Reilly mentions this in The
>Albumen and Salted Paper Book) one thing that seems to help a bit is to
>use a "start" bath between pre-wash and the alkaline gold toner. What's
>a start bath? its the opposite of a stop bath - instead of acid it has
>an alkalie in it. i used 10g of borax/litre. i left the print in the
>start for one minute and then transfered it to the toner. this seemed to
>condition the print and preserve the toner a little longer. the toner was a
>standard borax/gold toner. the toner still needed frequent replenishment
>if anyone else has worked with this paper i would be interested in
>hearing about the results.
>thanks, peter mumford