Re: Chicago Albumen Works' POP
Bjorn Andersson Popular Historia (
Thu, 12 Jan 1995 18:57:11 +0100
I didnt realise that maybe we are printing on the same kind of papper.
It was first when I saw Luis Nadeaus mail that I found out that what you
call CAW pop is the same as what I am using in Sweden namely Guilleminot
a French pop papper.
I have been having a lot of problems with it. The prints turned out with very
nice shadows but the mid tones and highlights were awfull. I was very puzzled
until I printed a stepwedge (Kodaks uncalibrated nr 3) on it. The curve I drew
showed some very interesting results. The shadows were beautiful with a short
"shoulder" and the highest Dmax I have ever seen, >2.50!! But the midtones and
highlights were not so good. The "toe" was the longest I have ever seen. The
papper printed all the 21 steps. It didnt show papper white accept on an area
that was totaly covered. The pappers scale index was about 2. Also the midtones
and highlights were mottled.
I gave up printing on it. With midtones and highlights like that it will be
nearly impossible to get a print that sparkles. Or is it? Any ideas, maybe
a cutting reducer?
After reading Luis reply that Guilleminot was going out of buisness I called
the Swedish agent, Lars Hellden, and he told me that the company had stopped
delivering just a couple of weeks ago but that he still had a smal supply
of both their POP papper and of their Bromoil papper left.
You can contact him at GBJ foto telephone SWEDEN 08-732 80 55
Bjoern Andersson