> I didnt realise that maybe we are printing on the same kind of papper.
> It was first when I saw Luis Nadeaus mail that I found out that what you
> call CAW pop is the same as what I am using in Sweden namely Guilleminot
> a French pop papper.
> I have been having a lot of problems with it. The prints turned out with very
> nice shadows but the mid tones and highlights were awfull. I was very puzzled
> Bjoern Andersson
> e-mail pophist@gemini.ldc.lu.se
By any chance are printing out emulsions popular in Europe? Are there
any other brands?
It has occured to me to try making it my self. I have some recipes from
Cassel's cyclopedia of photography (1911) for gelatin POP emulsion. They
are under the entry for emulsions. It claims that POP emulsion is the
easiest form of silver-gelatin emulsion to make. Has anybody tried
anything like this in living memory?
One more shot in the dark: has anybody tried to make a calotype lately?
thanks. Peter Mumford [pmumford@seanet.com]