Re: Info

Virginia Boehm (
Wed, 22 Feb 1995 04:01:34 -0800

You wrote:

>I am contemplating using palladium and/or platinum printing. Along
with the
>information provided in a.p.p., what other sources could I use to
>more familiar with the process?
>Thanks in advance

There's a booklet by Luis Nadeau called "History and Practice of
Platimum Printing", self-published. The address is PO Box 1570, stn.
A., Fredericton, New Brusnswick, Canada, E3B5G2. There is also a
catalogue, which is more of a how-to guide by Bostick and Sullivan, a
small outfit who sells the chemistry. I don't have their address, but
they sometimes advertise in Camera and Darkroom and Darkroom and
Creative Camera techniques. Hope this helps.