> I respectfully disagree. I read a number of photo related mailing lists. I am
> seriously
> thinking about abandoning them all because of timewasting messages like the
> original.
> I am totally fed up with postings from people who are too idle to do basic
> research and
> post messages asking other people to do their work for them.
> "Lets do all try to help one another." This applies just as much to posters
> of original
> messages as responders. People who ask for 800 numbers because they can't be
> bothered
> or are too stupid to call information, and people who ask for photographic
> formulas because
> they can't face getting in the car and driving to the library deserve to be
> flamed.
> Geoff Snowman
I would like to make a point here. Coming from the lower
end of the learning curve I respect and appreciate ALL subscribers
on this list, and I will make a stupid comment or ask an obvious
question on occasion. But stuff that is "readily available in the
library" sometimes isn't, either the person doesn't have a really
good library at hand, or in my case does (two in fact) but can't
access the info in a timely manner. In my case the two libraries I
have access to both listed Keepers of Light in their catalogs, but
it took me 4-5 months to get one of them, due to its being checked
out. The other library's copy never surfaced (stolen?). So with
that insight, I vote for graceful tolerance for us dummies .
Normally I would even label this message as timewasting, as it serves
no photo purpose, but in this case I just had to peep up. Sorry if
I offended anyone; it was not my intent.
chico seay cseay@TUred.pa.utulsa.edu