As your humble keeper of the alt-photo-process faq I would like to
request submissions to the FAQ. I will include any well written piece as
part of the FAQ or as a seperate article linked to the FAQ.
By setting up the FAQ as a WWW document it is possible to link more
indepth articles on specific aspects. A good example would be an article
on producing enlarged negatives. I could put a link in the enlarged
negative summary to a indepth article. I work with large format
negatives and thus have no experience making enlarged negatives.
I would like to see the FAQ as a jumping off point to more detailed
information. If you have a particular specialty in alternative processes
and you are able and willing to contribute the alt-photo-process
communtiy would be very appreciative.
There are a number of topics that need attention
A good summary of "getting started" for the novice.
article on enlarged negatives
article on UV printers
Summaries of the photo-mechanical process
Any references or sources
Any of the processes not covered in the FAQ.
All contributions will be acknowledged.
It is possible to include graphics in the online FAQ. I am working on
scanning some of my own work and including it as an inline graphic. It
would be very helpful to include some scanned images of prints made with
the processes described in the FAQ. Unfortunately most of my work is not
of high calibre and I have not worked in every process. I need to solicit
examples of work from members of the alt-photo-process community.If you
are interested in submitting work please Email me directly at