Film was adequately exposed with shadow detail however details were
not as sharp as they should have been and fiber like starnds were seen
on the negative. I assume that the fiber like stands were due to inadequate
preparation of the hole, but I did take care. Please comment on the
1)_ Is the brass shim stock selected too thin?
2) The fiber like stands -- caused by what?
3) How do you really tell if you have a clean hole?
By the way my hole was done under a bi-microscope at
4) Whn I attempted to make another hole I noticed when holding
the lens up to a regular light that I though I saw fibers
or a fuzziness through the lens although under 90x it seemed
clear. What the hang is going on? How to make the right
hole? Needle used by the way was a No!2 sewing (hand) and
was perfectly round.
Please send help, I really need it and if there are any FAQ's around on this
subject please advise as well