Re: The "Howard process"

Peter Marshall (
Fri, 19 May 95 19:35 BST-1

In-Reply-To: <>
>I have seen this book but it was some time ago so my recollections of it
>may be inaccurate. I recall being unimpressed by its claims to be "new"
>and "safe" - I think it still used dichromate as a photosensitizer and
>ferric chloride for the etch.

>Philip Jackson

Thanks for the information about the book - looking at your message I
suspect I am unlikely to get it here other than through the workshop -
and the price makes the workshop very good value as a copy is included.

I have been told specifically it does not use ferric chloride - and that
it only uses 'ordinary household chemicals' which presumably excludes
dichromate too.

Peter Marshall