Re: Dust in Darkroom!

Steve Holzworth (
Fri, 26 May 1995 15:49:27 -0400 (EDT)

> Could you share your tips on minimizing dust in the darkroom? It is so
> frustrating to have dust spots on the otherwise perfect negatives.

One of the less expensive methods is to run positive pressure in the
darkroom as is done in "clean rooms". Blow air into the darkroom through
a quality HEPA air filter, preferably maintaining enough volume to
keep the room pressurized. This will tend to keep dust from drifting in.
Also, place a quality filter on the HVAC ducts (if any) into the darkroom.
A large percentage of the dust is blown in through there. You may have to
rebalance the air system to compensate for the increased resistance.
Lastly, vacuum often. A large portion of the "dust" in homes/elsewhere is
from dead cells shedding off of humans...

Steve Holzworth                    "Do not attribute to poor spelling
SAS Institute   x6872               That which is actually poor typing..."
SAS/Macintosh Development Team                            - me
Cary, N.C.