Re[2]: Construction of Bellows?

Thu, 29 Jun 95 12:53:37 SST

>>The March/April issue of View Camera magazine has an article of building
>>a view camera from scratch, but unless you are very experienced in
>>woodworking and can be very, very precise, it is not recommended to do

>>For a lighter project, you can buy kit and build a camera. There is an
>>advertisement in Camera and Darkroom magazine for 4x5 and 8x10 view
>>cameras. The 4x5 is about $200.00 without the lens.

I'd love to get a copy of the article, and of the advert too. Is there
anybody who'd be willing to make a photocopy and send it or fax it?

Yours hopefully

Olivo Miotto
Institute of Systems Science,
National University of Singapore,
Heng Mui Keng Terrace, Tel: +65-772 6644
Singapore 0511. Fax: +65-778 2571
