Re: ? and 4 x 10 point and shoot

Guillermo Penate (
Fri, 30 Jun 1995 19:32:00 -0400

-> > Is this (or a simplified version)
-> > something an ORDINARY lunatic could in fact make, or is it another
-> one > of your advanced ploys (like making a "simple" pinhole with
-> laser & > microscope)!?!?
-> The only thing this relies on is a good lens - I happen to have one
-> or two modern lenses that should (one does, the other might) cover
-> 4x10 although not 8x10 so this might be an interesting thing to
-> explore. It's rapidly becoming obvious to me that I'll end up with a
-> camera that makes larger negatives at some point - contact prints can
-> be *so* nice.

If it covers 10" (as in 4x10") it should cover 8" (as in 8x10")
^^ ^
Isn't it?

After all the lens' image circle is a "circle" not an oval.
