Nasal Catarrh

Judy Seigel (
Tue, 1 Aug 1995 14:32:07 -0400 (EDT)

While awaiting comments on David Soemarko's post about alum from those
knowlegeable in such matters (I read in a very UNreliable source that
"best" alum is chrome alum, which would bring us right back to chrome),
I offer a bulletin on a matter totally uncontroversial, well-known,
scientifically proven fact, right out of the 1908 "Photographic Annual,
Incoroporating The Figures, Facts & Formulae of Photography":

Section 33, "Toilet and Hygiene," the subhead is NASAL CATARRH, as follows:

Cause: -- constitutional predisposition; symptoms induced by want of
ventilation, chills, dust and chemical-laden air, etc.; especially when
nerves are "run down," and digestion impaired. Local treatment: -- Bathe
the inside of the nose with: -- Equal parts of salt, soda bicarbonate,
and borax. Powder well, and mix. Dissolve half a tespoonful in a cupful
of warm water. Take a little in a warm teaspoon, throw the head well
back, and pour into the nostrils, allowing it to run around the whole
cavity of nose and back of mouth as far as possible. The treatment is
quite easy and not unpleasant after a few attempts.

End of quote.
