On Wed, 2 Aug 1995, Judy Seigel wrote:
> While awaiting comments on David Soemarko's post about alum from those
> knowlegeable in such matters (I read in a very UNreliable source that
> "best" alum is chrome alum, which would bring us right back to chrome),
> I offer a bulletin on a matter totally uncontroversial, well-known,
> scientifically proven fact, right out of the 1908 "Photographic Annual,
> Incoroporating The Figures, Facts & Formulae of Photography":
> Section 33, "Toilet and Hygiene," the subhead is NASAL CATARRH, as follows:
> Cause: -- constitutional predisposition; symptoms induced by want of
> ventilation, chills, dust and chemical-laden air, etc.; especially when
> nerves are "run down," and digestion impaired. Local treatment: -- Bathe
> the inside of the nose with: -- Equal parts of salt, soda bicarbonate,
> and borax. Powder well, and mix. Dissolve half a tespoonful in a cupful
> of warm water. Take a little in a warm teaspoon, throw the head well
> back, and pour into the nostrils, allowing it to run around the whole
> cavity of nose and back of mouth as far as possible. The treatment is
> quite easy and not unpleasant after a few attempts.
> End of quote.
> Cheers,
> Judy