Re:formaldehyde escalating etc.
Fri, 4 Aug 1995 23:09:01 +1000
>OK Judy
>I didn't mean to upset anyone.
>Sorry if I touched a nerve.
>I agree with you total.
>I posted the data sheet so that people could see that it isn't that bad.
>I also wanted to make the point that when we are dealing any chemicals that
>may or may not be nasty there are many places where one can find out
>detailed information about how nasty they really are. One should read this
>information. Think about it and then make decisions about how it should be
>used, stored etc. Doing this should quickly end many a heated debate.
>In these cases facts are preferable to anecdotes.
>Anyway I'll shut up on the matter now.
Don't be sorry!
The problem is that most of people would ignore threat coming from using or
being exposed to some chemicals. Even very nasty ones will not show off
immediately, rather being accumulated. Most cancerogens show its nature
after 20-30 years! Therefore what we have learnt from some amino-compounds,
asbestos, and many more justifies very cautious aproach to anything coming
close of being toxic. Remember bichromates very popular 30 years ago,
derivatives of p-phenylene-diamine (CD-1..CD-4), and that bloody formaline.
It is very toxic, it is proven cancerogen, but it doesn't mean it will kill
you immediately. )OK, it can if you drink, inject or sniff too much. But we
must be very careful.
It reminds me some statistics, where the safest of chemical industry was
explosives, and the least oil/fat industry. Manufacturing of explosives is
very strict, while much more "freedom" allowed for margarine manufacturing.
So, what can be safely handled by a professional chemist is out of question
for an unskilled person. MSDS-s are to give us all info for making an
informed decission, to protect our and others health and life. Due to
extensive exposure in media, many are desensitized to that aspect,
unfortunatelly. Nothing personal, Judy. We have an old Polish saying - Wise
Pole after misfortune. Let's be wise before.
Have a nice day.
Roman Kielich, Lane Cove, Australia
61-2-418 6971