
Allan Janus (NASARC07@SIVM.SI.EDU)
Wed, 16 Aug 95 20:14:19 EDT

Wet-plate processes are certainly do-able in this day & age - & you
don't even need a genuine wet-plate camera. I used to make 9th plate
tintypes in one of those cool Russian Lubitel twin-lens cameras. And you
can easily adapt a Graphic film pack holder to take a plate. Collodion
used to be available through Photographer's Formulary - is it still
listed in the catalogue? It's also available through Fisher Scientific.
The instructions in "Keepers of Light" are adequate; I also adapted
formulas in "Silver Sunbeam" & "The Ferrotype & How to Make it". Did
anyone mention that collodion also contains ether? Pleasant dreams...

Allan Janus

: Allan Janus 202-357-3133 :
: MRC 322 FAX: 202-786-2835 :
: National Air and Space Museum NASARC07@SIVM.BITNET :
: Washington DC 20560 NASARC07@SIVM.SI.EDU :
: 13, The Circle :
: PO Box 1161 :
: Washington Grove, MD 20880 301-926-9491 :