Re: paper sizing

Beakman (
Tue, 22 Aug 1995 10:45:13 -0700 (PDT)

> I've been kicking the idea around of moving into platinum/palladium printing
> for a while now. I have read several articles and books and noticed that one
> side will state to size the paper priore to coating and another will not
> mention sizing at all. What's the general opinion from some experienced iron
> printers out there? Do you size the paper, with what sizing mixture, and what
> paper?

I would guess that most platinum (and palladium) printers do not size
their paper. There are a number of papers which work well without
additional sizing; these would include: Arches Platine, Cranes
Platinotype, Cranes Parchmont, Stonehedge, Beinfang 360 velum, Cranes Kid
Finish, and others.

> Also, as a side question, I read an article by Manual Alverez Bravo written in
> the 70's where he stated that he was able to develop platinum paper with
> Dektol and Weston's Amidol deveoper. Anyone have any experience with this?
> If so, is it still necessary to clear the print in hydrochloric acid (37% at
> 1:60)

I have never used anything other than Potassium Oxalate, or Ammonium
Citrate, though I am sure that there are other solutions which would
work. As for clearing, HCl works but it is dangerous. For that reason
most people use other clearing agents such as EDTA, sodium sulfite,
citric acid, or Kodak's Hypo Clearing Agent.

David Fokos