Re: paper sizing

Judy Seigel (
Tue, 22 Aug 1995 21:53:51 -0400 (EDT)

> papers which work well without
> additional sizing would include: Arches Platine, Cranes
> Platinotype, Cranes Parchmont, Stonehedge, Beinfang 360 velum, Cranes Kid
> Finish, and others.
I have heard that Bienfang is currently made with a different (internal)
size, which makes it less good (or NG) for platinum, though attempts are
underway to get a run made with the old size.

>As for clearing, HCl works but it is dangerous. For that reason

HCL is awfully convenient and cheap. A gallon of "muriatic acid"
(construction grade HCL, about 28% I believe) costs $6 at hardware or
paint store. If it seems too scary to use, don goggles & gloves (with
litre of fresh water handy) and mix up a gallon 1 to 4 to work out of.
No powders or stirring, just add water....truly the easiest. And note
that EDTA isn't exactly baby powder (which itself isn't exactly baby
powder either, but that's another story).

> citric acid, or Kodak's Hypo Clearing Agent.

That's the first I've heard of Hypo Clearing Agent to clear pl/pd. I
thought that was just to make hypo wash out of paper better. "Clearing"in
pl/pd is to remove residual iron from paper, no? (Mike?) However, some
paper-developer combinations clear quite well in the developer (eg.
Bostick & Sullivan ammonium citrate developer on a smooth hard paper), so
someone could be dutifully "clearing" with Hypo Clear & none-the-wiser to
the fact that it's irrelevant. (Anyone?)
