Film for enlarged negatives
Thomas Blomkvist (
Wed, 6 Sep 1995 12:30:19 +0300
I have recently been trying out the following old processes: Salted paper,
Cyanotype, Kallitype, Platinum and Palladium. I have mainly used 35 mm negs
enlarged to Agfa Gevarex GO 210p sheet film developed in Kodak Dektol 1+2 -
1+9. The Gevarex is a continuous tone sheet film with a density range of
about 1.5 that can be handled in dark red safelight. The contrast can be
adjusted upwards using yellow and downwards using blue filtering in the
enlarger. I have basically been happy with the Gevarex, but as I really
haven't tried anything else it's hard to say what I might be missing.
I have seen references in articles and books to Kodak Commercial Film 6127
and 4127 (difference?), lith film and Ilford Ortho. Is there anyone that
have used the above or other films and care to share their experiences?
| Thomas Blomkvist |
| Finland ******* |