Check with your service bureau. Some of the smaller varieties of Iris are
not too outrageously priced for institutions. Check around.
My feeling is that if you can't have the printer next to your computer,
you might as well send out your work to service bureaus for output to
film via imagesetters. Stochastic screening, whether done by the service
bureau or by you, can print beautifully in place of continuous toned
negatives. It's not cheap, but you don't have to pay for the machine, nor
the service contract or maintenance.
> To make negatives on a laser printer, do you just use laser transparency
> film? What are the brands available?
> Philip Trauring
Some brands do work better than others, and prices vary quite a bit.
Check w/ your local office and computer suppliers, such as
ComputerCity, OfficeMax or BestBuy.
-- Sam Wang 803/656-3924voice 656-0204fax Art Dept., Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634-0509