Re: Film for enlarged negatives

M Rand Carlton (
Wed, 13 Sep 1995 21:13:20 -0700

I'm sure that some of you have seen the ad in the back of Shutterbug
Magazine, that starts with, "Bargain Film & Papers", well in my opinion, its

Being the cheap but adventurous type, I decided to order a roll (Kodak
Plus-X Aerial Film 9.5" x 125', $25.00) to cut up for use in my newly
acquired, but ancient, 5x7 Eastman View #2 Camera. What better way to learn,
if this stuff works, I figuered I'll spend about eight cents per exposure,
lots of room to make all the mistakes my little heart desires. Well it has
worked out just fine for me. I have developed in both D-76 and Microdol with
results that I am very happy with. I must say that being a total amature to
large format and the wonderful world of developing, I have nothing to base
this glowing recommendation on, except the fact that the negatives print
well to paper, and we have gotten some excellent results with gum.

The film is military surplus expiration date on my roll was 1988. The guy
says that it is and has been kept frozen, must be because it makes nice

9.5"x12.5" negative for a quarter, what a deal, at any rate I called today
and ordered a box, (6 rolls $20.00 ea.) So, I figured I now have a lifetime
supply, but no freezer space. Oh well.

I suggest you try a roll first, like I did, if this type of thing is your
cup of tea.

Also the guy, his name is Ed, has all kinds of chemistry, he was also
telling me about some 24x30 Kodalith orthochromatic film (box of 50 sheets
$199.00) but I don't know anything about that film, someone else will have
to review because I'm not ready for anything near that large.

Mr Photo
Ed (I can't remember last name)
(717) 249-7913
This guy works from home, so sometimes he answers and sometimes he doesn't.
If you leave a message he will call you back, generally early evening.

I have nothing to do with this company other than having ordered their product.


M Rand Carlton


"The process is
the product"