Re: carbon arc lamp

Christopher Walton Reid (
Thu, 14 Sep 1995 20:43:27 +0800 (HKT)

On Thu, 14 Sep 1995, David Black wrote:

> I am looking for a good source for a carbon arc lamp or any other good and
> inexpensive light source for kallitypes. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated
> Thanks in advance.
> David Black <ZU03632@UABDPO.DPO.UAB.EDU>

I could be wrong about this, but I remember talking to a guy who had a
carbon arc lamp for a copy camera (the type used to make half-tone, PMTs,
etc) and he told me that carbon arc lamps had been made illegal some
years ago. It had something to do with gases given off by the rods I

You might look into the halogen lights that are used in modern copy
cameras. The ones on the camera that I used when I did that kind of work
were 500 watts each. As you can imagine though, the tend to score low
marks in the "cheap" category. I think the bulbs alone were $50 a pop.

Chris Walton