Re: Autochromes
Thu, 21 Sep 1995 17:32:52 -0300

>>It's in French. So much for that idea;-)
>>Luis Nadeau
>>Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
> Hey, the net is a world-wide thing. There's a lot of us out there that do
>read french.

=C0 qui le dites-vous mon cher ami? En effet, il y a beaucoup de gens plus
familier avec la langue de Daguerre et qui n'ose participer, du moins
activement, =E0 cette liste parce qu'ils sont inconfortables dans la langue
de Talbot. Un jour d'ailleurs, j'aurai peut-=EAtre ma propre liste

And now for the two or three on this list whose French is a little rusty,
my original comments referred to a previous post which said that "if" it is
straight ascii there won't be any problem. French diacritics ain't straight
ascii and there is very likely the possibility of a problem. I deal with
this everyday:-(

Before I got on the net I was warned: If there is one slight possibility
that something may be misunderstood in a post, it will...

Votre tr=E8s humble serviteur,

Luis Nadeau
=46redericton, Nouveau-Brunswick, Canada