directory almost ready, please submit your info if you have not yet

Philip Trauring (
Fri, 22 Sep 1995 12:46:05 -0500

The directory of photographers who uuse alternate processes is essentially
complete. It has been ready for awhile actually, except for the fact that
the program I wrote to automatically export the HTML text is having trouble
sorting the info into the correct order. I've decided instead of waiting
until I can fix the programming problem(which may take weeks) that I will
manually sort the entries and make them available.

If you have not yet sent in youur information for the directory, please do
so. I will make the directory available online in about a week. For those
who haven't sent in their info, the info requested is:

Phone Number
Email Address
Processes experienced with
Processes currently working with
Processes interested in learning

Please feel free to add additional comments. Also, if you don't want to
give out your phone number feel free to say 'e-mail first' instead of a
phone number.

Thanks for your patience and hopefully this directory will help us all
learn more about alternate processes.

Philip Trauring

Philip Trauring "knowledge is
Brandeis University MB1001 my addiction,
415 South Street information
Waltham, MA 02254-9110 (617) 736-6101('95/'96) is my drug."

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