Re: Polaroid 55 Clearing?

Ed Reading (
Sat, 30 Sep 1995 18:38:51 GMT

The instructions are in the package with the film: Soak the negative in a
12% or 18% solution (packing slips vary, and it doesn't matter, and either
is easy to mix) for 3 minutes. Time not critical: can leave it in all day if
you like.

Watch out you don't scratch the emulsion, though. This can happen easily
when you drop the second or third or fourth sheet in the bucket.

At 04:13 1-10-95 +1000, you wrote:
>Could somebody please remind be how to clear Polaroid Type 55 P/N
>negatives? I seem to remember using a solution of sodium sulfite, or
>something similar.
>Thanks in advance.
>Charles Lesburg

Ed Reading