Re: Polaroid 55 Clearing?
Sun, 01 Oct 1995 22:00:17 -0400 (EDT)
Clear the neg in sodium sulfite solution immediatly after seperation
from the print. Its best to use film hangers. Negs cannot touch each other.
Agitate until the dye clears and the developer layer drops off. About
one minute. Negs can be temporarily stored in water for a short time but
should be cleared as soon as possible. The clearing solution is 18%
sodium sulfite.
Warm water 2000 cc
Sodium Sulfite
(anhydrous) 440 gm.
Slowly add power to water and stir until disolved.
Allow to cool to 21 oC. before using. Store in a
brown bottle.
After clearing, wash in water for about 5 min. Dip in photoflo and
hang up to dry.
Dept. of Physics or Art
West Liberety State College