Re: papers for pt/pd

Beakman (
Thu, 12 Oct 1995 05:45:24 -0700 (PDT)

> I've been subscribed to this list for a little over a month now and reading
> through archive files to see if this question has been addressed previously.
> Since the answer seems to be "no" here it is: I've been working primarily with
> platinum/palladium for about 5 years using Cranes Platinotype as my standard
> paper. I've experimented with several other papers but nothing else has
> approached the consistency, subtle tonal gradations and ease of handling of
> this fine paper. It has a warm, slightly yellow color which mates well with
> Strathmore Antique White mat board. However, this color is not always
> desirable and so I have been searching for an alternative. Recently I have
> tried a sample of Arches Platine and found it to have all of the qualities I
> am looking for but with one major problem. I can't get it to clear completely,
> whether I use my standard procedure of 5 minutes in 3 consecutive baths of 4%
> phosphoric acid or following explicitly Martin Axon's suggestions which came
> with the paper. Have any of you who use this paper had a similar problem? If so,
> how have you solved it?

You're right about the Arches Platine. The sensitizer has a tenacious
grip on this paper. I have found that Kodak Hypo Clearing Agent, used
at normal working strength, works well.

Good Luck!

David Fokos