This post is a great idea, appart from one thing - the copying of slides is
an outright violation of international copyright laws. An artist has the
right to recieve payment for his/her work, including the use of slides in an
educational institution (just as writers have the right to be paid for the
reproduction of their work on photocopiers). I think the idea expressed in
this post is excellent, but what I think should be the situation is the
institution should offer to purchace the slides (as they would have to, in
the case of certain well known fine art photographers), and enter into an
agreement concening the exhibition (i.e. projection) rights for the slides -
perhaps a purchase of a ten year public exhibition fee could be worked into
the contract at the time of the purchace of the slides.
The copyright law in the states is of course different for that here
in Canada, but I think the above bears some consideration, and so I post
this to the group in general, as it might be applicable to other situations
as well.
Eric Boutilier-Brown
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada