> This post is a great idea, appart from one thing - the copying of slides is
> an outright violation of international copyright laws. An artist has the
> right to recieve payment for his/her work, including the use of slides in an
> educational institution (just as writers have the right to be paid for the
> reproduction of their work on photocopiers). I think the idea expressed in
> this post is excellent, but what I think should be the situation is the
> institution should offer to purchace the slides (as they would have to, in
> the case of certain well known fine art photographers), and enter into an
> agreement concening the exhibition (i.e. projection) rights for the slides -
> perhaps a purchase of a ten year public exhibition fee could be worked into
> the contract at the time of the purchace of the slides.
Dear group of interested artists .... yes, it is the artist's right
to receive payments as it is for writers. We do not have funds to
purchase slides in such a fashion ... and it is not necessary to discuss
our very tight monetary situation... it is more that we use images from
friends (and our faculty has an extremely large group of friends within
the mediu ... and is a well known faculty) The simple fact is that
students often are extremely refreshed by seeing work from people they
have never heard of, and often that work is exciting, or technically
I can guarantee that if we did have the finds to purchase slides we would.
Perhaps then it is wise toaddress the above facts to this audience and so
those who might wish to send their work to me would do so , knowing that
we'd be using it strictly for showing to students, examples what other's
I am personally very supportive of watching over one's work via
copywrites as my work is out there in many different forms.
thanks for the serious considerations]Jack Fulton>
***The eye is the Pencil of Nurture***