Re: Real world vs TV
Tue, 7 Nov 1995 08:19:34 -0500

Regarding the ramblings about real vs reproduction and the mention of the
Mona Lisa. My vision of the Mona Lisa is clearly more based on the
reproductions that I have seen; even though I have had the privlidge of
seeing the original. The original stands in my mind as a small painting
surrounded by lots of heads. I never got a clear view of the piece itself.
Anyways, the concept of slides of work goes farther and farther. They
represent the work on such a level that we shoot 8x10; print in platinum;
takes slides of the work to be judged by a panel on the NEA; galleries etc.
Our world is about reproduction, and not the original. Take Bill Gate's
acquirement of the Bettman Archives for example. To be put online(Non-silver
at that) and cheapened.
Non silver to me is about the tactile surfaces and depth in a print; tones,
layering, subtle little details that make a print release its life to the
viewer. But, just as it is told in printmaking circles that printmakers are
the worst artists; getting caught up in technique, the same is true in
Let us not forget about the content of the image. The rest is a choice of how
to "reproduce" the negative.
Jim Frank
Slides, as Judy has said are wonderful in teaching and showing students new
work; as study tools.