Re: bromoil home made paper

Stefan Stecher (
Mon, 20 Nov 1995 17:36:22 +0100 (MET)

> This was clear to me following the discussions upon processes like cyano,
> carbo,platinum etc., but my question is :
> Is it possible to make a paper like Ilford Gallery
> without the supercoating?
> With other words : producing a silver based paper for bromoil .
> greetings henk


I had the same Problem to understand what you mean but now it seems to be
clear. So let me jump in here:
Years ago I found a book from the RPS/England about pigment printing.The
author described a method to remove the hardening of modern bromides by
making it bone cracking dry after processing or something like that.
I didn t try it and I couldn t realy belive that it works but if you are
interested I look it up for you.
If you want to avoid the need of large printing negs (Whats the reason?)
I would suggest to use the Ozobrom process wich means to harden a gelatin
paper by bleaching out a bromide on it s surface like we do for carbro.
If you like the pure white of bromides give the gelatin paper apigmented
sub coat or use fixed out bromides as a support

Hope it helps you,
