Re: bromoil home made paper

Henk Thijs (
Tue, 21 Nov 1995 10:24:57 GMT

Guy wrote :
>There was an article in Photo Technique International 2/94 (english
>version), a German photo magazine, close to Linhof. The article was on a
>German photographer Martin Prudenz that did some printing in Bromoil and
>had some paper manufactured for that purpose. You can contact him at:
>Martin Prudenz
>Bornheimer Landstrasse 54
>D-60316 Frankfurt
>The firm that did the paper was Guillement Boespflug, I hope it has nothing
>to do with the French Guilleminot, as they went bankrupt one year ago:-)
>I never contacted him, but if someone on the list does, please let us all know.

I contacted him already , actually he was the one who attracted my interest
for the bromoil procede; he works for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Magazin and I
was astonished by the prints of landscapes in colors who reflected not the
reality but the impression; I wrote a letter and he explained me that he works
with the bromoil and I ordered his book by Lindemanns in Stuttgart.
He works with brayers and recently showed work at the Kodak (?) place at the
Photokina in Koeln.
According to Klaus Pollmeier ( a former student of Luis Nadeau and a teacher
in old processes in Germany) M. Pudenz is technically the best bromoil printer
in Germany.( with emphasis on 'technically')
In the -small- text of his book the french company Guilleminot was mentioned,
so I imagin that he also will have problems in the future. Also ARGENTA is
bankrupt, the other producer of bromoil paper.
Do you think the article could be of interest for bromoil printing and if yes,
do you have an address of the publisher.
thanks a lot for your reaction,
kind regards, henk