Re: bromoil home made paper

Per Volledal (
Wed, 22 Nov 1995 09:32:32 +0100

>After month of experimenting with bromoil -with a slight progress- there is
>one item that puzzles me.
>Following the discussions about all kind of alt. processes, the main thing =
>the making of special photographic paper, with gelatine , lightsensitive
>emulsions and so on. Is there a similar procede thinkable for a 'normal'
>barytpaper without coating, usable in combination with a normal enlarger (t=
>avoid the bigger negative )
>greetings, henk

There are two firms making papers suitable for bromoil that I know of.
I have with some success made bromoil-pictures on the britisk Kentmere
Document Art single-weight and Kentmere Art De Luxe double weight papers.
I have also got hold of the Croatian EMAKS non-supercoated bromoil-paper
("Brom=F6eldruck papier) from the factory of Fotokemika in Zagreb. All these
papers are fibre-based.

I have not ried to make my own paper, I prefer - or rather finds it more
convenient - to use my enlarger.

I believe that Photographer=B4s Formulary in the US stocks Luminos Classic
SW-Art single-weight fibre based paper suitable for the bromoil process.

Good luck.


Per Volledal
Stenfeltbakken 47
N-1405 Langhus